By The Numbers

A podcast with Brett Saunier

I am a retired high school math teacher hosting the podcast, By The Numbers.

I' like the statistics behind things, A LOT. I enjoyed talking to my students about all the ways math was used in the world, but I rarely had a chance to elaborate on those topics.  Instead, I had to chug along with the curriculum with a tiny story to catch their attention.  But now, I can do the opposite.  I can focus on the story while touching on the math.  


You can listen almost anywhere podcasts are found, including Spotify, Amazon, YouTube, Podcast Addict, and many more.

Above:  My parents and I at Opening Day 2024 at Busch Stadium this year.  I love my folks!

Below: I did a project in my Geometry class where students designed and built bridges using toothpicks.  And I got to BREAK them for judging!!!

I want to focus on the math that we see in the world from data to science, and societal issues that we see going on around us.  How does math play into those decisions.  Sports will come up and I do love television and movies and you can talk about the numbers in those too.

Let’s break it down… By The Numbers!

Above:  My wife and I on a trip to Chicago going on a morning walk by the river.

Below:  Me and my kids outside Luckenbach, Texas.